Medals, badges, and citations
All members of the 29th Infantry Division, 116th Regiment, 1st Battalion, have the opportunity of advancing throughout the battalion. You start out as a Private undergoing Basic Training for an entire week. If you show exceptional skills as a Private, you may be promoted to a higher rank in our chain of command.

Distinguished Service Cross
Exceptional in every regard. The highest honor attainable in the 29th Infantry Division.

Silver Star
This soldier has demonstrated perfect performance whilst engaging with the enemy, that not only single-handedly secured victory for his team, but demonstrated the core principles of being an effective soldier in the 29th Infantry Division. This medal is only awarded when the soldier's game-play was at a level of the highest calibre.

Legion of Merit
Awarded for leading and winning an Official Scrimmage.

Soldier's Medal
This soldier's extensive preparation during practice or drills prior to a scrimmage or drill prevented casualties by providing vital intelligence or training for his team.

Bronze Star
This soldier has demonstrated exemplary performance while engaging the enemy in a realism scrimmage. While not single handedly securing victory, his actions must have been of significance.

Purple Heart
This soldier has selflessly put him self in peril to successfully aid his comrades and in doing so was wounded or killed.

Distinguished Service Medal
Awarded to soldiers who have carried out duty successfully and responsibly. Contributing not only what is expected in the 29th, but who has made contributions above and beyond the expectations of any member in the 29th.

Good Conduct Medal
In addition to performing his duties with a clean record of discipline and exemplary attendance, this soldier's positive attitude and involvement in 29th related activities, other than his drills or staff commitments, has benefited the unit.

Army Commendation Medal
This soldier has maintained composure and made an effective contribution towards his teams victory without necessarily engaging the enemy. This award is for actions of significance not covered by a Bronze or Silver Star.

Army of Occupation Medal
Served six months of service in the 29th Infantry Division

European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
Only awarded to the participants that win an attack round of an official scrimmage.

American Defense Service Medal
Soldier has graduated the 29th ID's Basic Training program

French Croix de Guerre Medal
Awarded for leadership contributions that greatly benefit the Battalion as a whole.
Drill Sergeant Badge
Unit Drill Sergeant
Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award
Awarded to a soldier after their 1st scrimmage with another realism unit.
Combat Infantry Badge, 2nd Award
Awarded to a soldier after their 3rd scrimmage with another realism unit.
Combat Infantry Badge, 3rd Award
Awarded to a soldier after their 5th scrimmage with another realism unit
Expert Infantry Badge
Awarded to men who prove themselves experts in all aspects of Infantry and is required for soldiers to participate in combat.
The Trenches Unit Participation
Participated in The Trenches Unit campaign
Battlegrounds Unit Participation
Participated in the Battlegrounds Unit campaign
Day of Defeat Unit Participation
Participated in the Day of Defeat Unit campaign

Meritorious Unit Citation
Most exemplary and skilled squad in the company (Transfers every month)

American Campaign Medal
Awarded for exemplary leadership on or off the battlefield.
Combat Action Badge, 1st Award
This will be awarded by the Recruitment Officer, to a member of the 29th Infantry Division who has successfully recruited 2 recruits for that week's Training Platoon.
Combat Action Badge, 2nd Award
This will be awarded by the Recruitment Officer, to a member of the 29th Infantry Division who has successfully recruited 5 recruits for that week's Training Platoon.
Combat Action Badge, 3rd Award
This will be awarded by the Recruitment Officer, to a member of the 29th Infantry Division who has successfully recruited 10 recruits for that week's Training Platoon.
Combat Action Badge, 4th Award
This will be awarded by the Recruitment Officer, to a member of the 29th Infantry Division who has successfully recruited 20 recruits for that week's Training Platoon.
Recruiter Badge
This will be awarded by the Commanding Officer, based upon reports from the Recruitment Officer, to a member of the 29th Infantry Division who has successfully shown consitency as being one of the top recruiters for over a month.
Darkest Hour Unit Participation
Participated in the Darkest Hour Unit campaign
World War I Victory Medal
This is to be awarded to members who have served for two years, and for each consecutive two years thereafter.

Army Achievement Award
This soldier has consistently performed his duties in a staff position to the highest calibre and demonstrated the best of non-combat 29th values.
Military Police Badge
Awarded to Military Police Officers
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Only awarded to the participants that win a defence round of an official scrimmage.

World War II (WWII) Victory Medal
Only awarded to the participants that win every round of a multi-round official scrimmage. Awarding of this medal supercedes the awarding of the African European Middle-Eastern Campaign Medal and the Defence Meritorious Service Medal Ribbon.
Rising Storm Unit Participation
Participated in the Rising Storm Unit campaign
ARMA Unit Participation
Participated in the ARMA Unit campaignArmy NCO Professional Development Ribbon
This soldier has passed through a Squad Leader Training Program.

Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
This soldier has been a major contributor to a large, important and successfully project in a staff office.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Awarded for participation in a non-official scrimmage event. Does not apply to public scrimmages. Must be private events that are organized and have a limited, selected roster of participants from 29th.Armed Forces Service Medal
For Soldiers whom perform staff related duties above and beyond what is required in a staff position.
Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded for Service in the 29th that is exemplary as a solid soldier whom has aided and put forth the time and effort to the 29th when asked and not asked.
Superior Unit Citation
Squad excels among all squads at a platoon level. Platoon HQ can award two Superior Citations a year (reviewed every six months).
Meritorious Public Service Medal
Awarded in recognition of dedication through recurring financial contributions to the upkeep of the unit. Requires minimum contribution for recurring donation system. This medal remains on a members jacket only during active periods of contribution.
Rising Storm 2 Unit Participation
Participated in the Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Unit campaign